• Sunday Worship

    Sundays 09.30am-12.30pm Punalur Church of God

    We gather together to worship our God, who deserves all reverence and homage. We want the presence of God to move among us and minister to each heart, and so we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit who makes all the difference in our lives.

  • Sunday school

    Sundays 08.00am-09.30am Punalur Church of God

    The Sunday School ministries at our Church plays a vital role in bringing up and guiding the children in the right path to serve the Lord. Almighty God has till date used the ministry to bring up children to be fruitful for His ministry and at the same time, good persons in our Society.

  • Ladies Ministry

    Thursdays 10.00am-01.00pm Punalur Church of God

    The Ladies Ministry of church of God, Kuwait is enriched by a lot of our members. It provides opportunity for them to be involved in the ministry and to enhance their leadership qualities and spiritual talents.

  • Y.P.E (Young People Endeavor)

    3rd Sundays Punalur Church of God

    Youth Ministry with so many young people struggling with an empty heart and searching for something to fill the void, the youth of Punalur Church of God seek to share the love of Christ with the world. Under the banner "Called to stand, Called to serve, and Called to send", the youth ministry of Punalur Church of God, hopes to ignite a passion that enables young people to stand on the Word of God, serve others and complete God's great commission. Through prayer we hope to invest in every young person by facilitating the regular training and nurturing. Our YPE members is gathered once in a month to conduct meetings with various interested programs related to the youth.